Cultural Orientations Framework Certification seminar with Prof. Philippe Rosinski


In April 2019, a Cultural Orientations Framework (COF) certification seminar took place for the first time in Shanghai, by Prof. Philippe Rosinski and Steinbach & Partner, and coordinated by Gregory Rastello, our partner in South East Asia.  

Prof. Rosinski is a Master Certified Coach and author of two books, Coaching Across Cultures, which was chosen  by the Harvard Business School as one of its featured books, and his latest Global Coaching, both of which outline a global approach to coaching that leverages multiple perspectives for greater creativity, impact, fulfilment and meaning.
Participants from 10 different countries took part in Shanghai as Prof. Rosinski showed coaching techniques and models in practical sessions that participants could immediately start using in their own coaching work.

The certification program also explained methods of how to use assessment tools within diversified groups, business negotiations, or in executive coaching sessions, both one on one or as group. 
A leader leads and coaches the team and the organization, and we often unconsciously or consciously apply our biased subjective views when doing so. Often we generalize our opinion based on what we think we know and what we see and how this relates to our own culture and experience, this course gave the participants a chance to recognize and reflect on these biases, and tools for how to avoid them, as well as to leverage the diversity within teams and organizations.
To share this great methodology with more leaders in Asia, the next seminar will take place in Singapore in November 2019

For booking and questions, please contact our Partner Gregory Rastello

Written by Annie Hung, Consultant & Coach, Steinbach & Partner Shanghai